Hengge, H: Mount Everest - Only the Sky Above

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Helga Hengge is an inspiring keynote speaker, author, and mountaineer. She was the first German woman to successfully climb Mount Everest and the Seven Summits-the highest mountain on each of the seven continents.Helga was born in Chicago, Illinois, and grew up in Munich, Germany, where she started her career as a fashion editor at VOGUE. In 1991 she moved to New York City to study philosophy, marketing, and film at New York University and graduated in 1995 with honors. Working as a freelance fashion editor on international campaigns, she traveled around the world on assignments. In 1996 she discovered her passion for climbing and within a couple of years scaled many peaks on her way to the top of the world.
In her inspiring presentations and keynote speeches, Helga takes her corporate audiences to the top of the highest mountains in the world. Accompanied by spectacular images she shares her passion for adventure, for pushing physical and emotional boundaries in the face of overwhelming challenge, and the secrets of her success. Helga
is currently living near Munich, Germany, pursuing her speaking career and new mountaineering challenges. She has two children.
Mount Everest, 29,028 feet-on May 27th, 1999, Helga Hengge reaches the top of the world, the highpoint of an exciting career between the extremes of creative work and outstanding mountaineering achievement. In her inspiring account she takes her readers on an adventure through Tibet and up to the summit of Mount Everest with emotional and authentic insights into the dynamics of tackling the ultimate challenge. Accompanied by spectacular images
of her two-month long ascent via the Northeast Ridge in Tibet, she shares her story of pushing physical and emotional boundaries in the face of challenge. She talks about the step-by-step ascent, the power of a team, dealing with setbacks, and about trusting your inner strength. The highlight of her account is the ascent to the summit and the fulfillment of a great dream. The moment, when there is only the sky above. Helga Hengge, who has dual citizenship, was the first German woman to successfully summit Everest and the first American woman to do so from the North side.

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