Managing Foreign Workers
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Managing Foreign Workers

A Multivariate Analysis
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Mariusz Urbański
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Reflowable eBook
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

This book serves as an essential guide to understanding and effectively managing multiculturalism and diversity in the workplace. The book discusses the growing trend of hiring foreign workers by companies and the need to appropriately manage a diverse workforce. It addresses the research gap in the existing literature, which lacks detailed quantitative analyses on the employment of immigrants in business entities operating in Poland. By conducting an extensive survey of enterprises in Poland, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of managing employees in a multicultural work environment. It offers practical recommendations for improving employee motivation and performance while also contributing to the theory of management and quality sciences. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in managing a diverse workforce, and it provides a deeper understanding of the complex issues involved in managing foreign workers in a multicultural work environment.

This book serves as an essential guide to understanding and effectively managing multiculturalism and diversity in the workplace. The book discusses the growing trend of hiring foreign workers by companies and the need to appropriately manage a diverse workforce. It addresses the research gap in the existing literature, which lacks detailed quantitative analyses on the employment of immigrants in business entities operating in Poland. By conducting an extensive survey of enterprises in Poland, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of managing employees in a multicultural work environment. It offers practical recommendations for improving employee motivation and performance while also contributing to the theory of management and quality sciences. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in managing a diverse workforce, and it provides a deeper understanding of the complex issues involved in managing foreign workers in a multicultural work environment.

Introduction.- 1 Basics of Managing Foreign Workers In a Company.- 2 Characteristics of the Labor Market in Relation to Foreigners Employment.- 3 Foreign Workers in Polish Companies.- Characteristics and Evaluation of the Phenomenon.- 4 Multivariate analysis in the Aspect of Managment of Foreign Wokers in enterprises Operating in Poland.- 5 Foreign Workers in Enterprises-Muticriteria Comparative Analysis and Correlation Analysis.- Summary.- Literature

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