Tissue Engineering For The Hand: Research Advances And Clinical Applications
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Tissue Engineering For The Hand: Research Advances And Clinical Applications

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Gupta Gaurav Gupta
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Musculoskeletal applications of tissue engineering will be among the first to achieve widespread clinical use, and the resulting shift in clinical and surgical paradigms will highlight the need for an authoritative text on tissue engineering for musculoskeletal tissues including nerve, bone, tendon, skin, vessels, and cartilage. This book will serve the needs of a large readership including plastic surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, medical residents and medical students, researchers and academic faculty in regenerative medicine and biomedical engineering, and medical device experts. This textbook will serve as the curriculum for undergraduate and graduate courses in biomedical engineering and surgery.Notable contributors to this volume include Antonios G Mikos, PhD; Wei Liu, MD; Yilin Cao, MD; Mark Randolph, MAS; Jennifer Elisseeff, PhD; Geoffrey C Gurtner, MD; Michael T Longaker, MD; and James Chang, MD, all of whom are leaders in tissue engineering research and applications.
Musculoskeletal applications of tissue engineering will be among the first to achieve widespread clinical use, and the resulting shift in clinical and surgical paradigms will highlight the need for an authoritative text on tissue engineering for musculoskeletal tissues including nerve, bone, tendon, skin, vessels, and cartilage. This book will serve the needs of a large readership including plastic surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, medical residents and medical students, researchers and academic faculty in regenerative medicine and biomedical engineering, and medical device experts. This textbook will serve as the curriculum for undergraduate and graduate courses in biomedical engineering and surgery.Notable contributors to this volume include Antonios G Mikos, PhD; Wei Liu, MD; Yilin Cao, MD; Mark Randolph, MAS; Jennifer Elisseeff, PhD; Geoffrey C Gurtner, MD; Michael T Longaker, MD; and James Chang, MD, all of whom are leaders in tissue engineering research and applications.

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