Debts Hopeful And Desperate Financing The Plymouth Colony
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Debts Hopeful And Desperate Financing The Plymouth Colony

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Ruth A. Mcintyre
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Debts Hopeful and Desperate: Financing the Plymouth Colony by Ruth A. McIntyre is a historical account of the financial struggles and successes of the Plymouth Colony in the 17th century. The book explores how the Pilgrims funded their voyage to America and the various means they employed to pay off their debts and sustain their settlement. The book also delves into the individual financial experiences of key figures in the Plymouth Colony, such as William Bradford and Edward Winslow, and how their actions and decisions impacted the colony's financial stability. Through meticulous research and analysis, Debts Hopeful and Desperate sheds light on the complexities of financing a fledgling settlement in a new world and provides valuable insight into the economic challenges faced by early American colonists.
"Debts Hopeful and Desperate: Financing the Plymouth Colony" by Ruth A. McIntyre is a historical account of the financial struggles and successes of the Plymouth Colony in the 17th century. The book explores how the Pilgrims funded their voyage to America and the various means they employed to pay off their debts and sustain their settlement. The book also delves into the individual financial experiences of key figures in the Plymouth Colony, such as William Bradford and Edward Winslow, and how their actions and decisions impacted the colony's financial stability. Through meticulous research and analysis, "Debts Hopeful and Desperate" sheds light on the complexities of financing a fledgling settlement in a new world and provides valuable insight into the economic challenges faced by early American colonists.

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