Effects of mastoid drilling on contralateral ear

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113 g
220x150x4 mm

Al abbasi, Ahmed
Professor Dr. Ahmed M.Al Abbasi. Consultant otorhinolaryngologist, head and neck surgery. Dean of College of Medicine of Basra- Iraq. M.B.Ch.B./.I.C.M.S.(ORL)/ F.R.C.S.(Glasgow-U.K.). Head supervisor of Iraqi board of Otolaryngology in Basra. Senior supervisor of Arab Biard ogotolaryngoly.
Middle ear surgeries are common operation performed by otologist, drilling is main mechin used to drill the bone , unfortunately the nois generated by such drill affect not only the operated on ear but also the cntralateral ear, in this study we tried to address the effects of such nosee on the contralteral ear, at the same time we tried to put in the mind an index of suspition of the effect of the drilling noise on the contralateral ear.

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