Raphaela Vogel

Ausstellungskatalog Kunsthaus Bregenz, 2020
Lieferbar in 5-7 Tagen | Lieferzeit: Kurzfristig nicht lieferbar -Lieferbar in 5-7 Tagen I
Alle Preise inkl. MwSt. | Versandkostenfrei
Nicht verfügbar Zum Merkzettel
871 g
309x247x11 mm

In her spatially expansive installations that are stage and scenery at the same time, the artist Raphaela Vogel combines an abundance of objects rich in references with sound and video. Using defamiliarization and recontextualization, she creates an opulent, radically new vocabulary for her subject matter. Raphaela Vogel is sound engineer, cinematographer, and editor of her videos, as her own leading actor staging them both ruthlessly and aesthetically. In their essays Thomas D. Trummer, Diedrich Diederichsen, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna, and Oriane Durand, Dortmunder Kunstverein, examine Vogel's oeuvre that merges the animalistic, archetypal, and technoid, playfully deconstructing gender-specific associations. Generously sized photographs document the apocalyptically and poetically charged settings in Kunsthaus Bregenz. Text: Diedrich Diederichsen, Oriane Durand, Thomas D. Trummer und Vera Palme

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