FutureHotel - Smart Hotel Room

Design of a Cognitive Environment
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425 g
297x210x9 mm

The study "FutureHotel - Smart Hotel Room" presents a scenario of a hotel room experience that is technologically possible in 2020.
The report provides an introduction to the current state of practice by listing worldwide projects on smart hotel rooms and innovation laboratories.
The technological, social and ecological influences are presented to create a framework for smart hotel experiences. There will be a detailed presentation of the smart guest trip, the opportunities for individualisation and personalisation as well as the application potential of smart technologies (smart objects, IOT, BYOD, AI, voice control, sensor technology and biometrics) in the hotel. In addition, the effects on security, sustainability and accessibility are backlit.
The following chapter is dedicated to the experience of a smart hotel room from a guest perspective. In addition to the technological use cases and the added value for guests and hoteliers, the necessary technical prerequisites and solutions are also listed for the entire stay experience.
Finally, the focus is on the implementation of smart solutions. Current obstacles and concrete recommendations for action will be highlighted.
The study offers hoteliers, as well as their planners and consultants, concrete assistance in strategically developing their future actions and realising a scientifically proven solution for their own smart hotel rooms.

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