The Control Theory and Application for Well Pattern Optimization of Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoirs
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The Control Theory and Application for Well Pattern Optimization of Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoirs

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Dehua Liu
Springer Geology
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The book is focused primarily on characteristics and determinative methods of reservoir orientation, the concept of vector well pattern and corresponding realistic techniques of well pattern deployment, well pattern control principles, Optimum design of well pattern based on the reservoir direction characteristics, and the schemes of well spacing density regulation at different stages of development. The procedures for improving water flooding efficiency have been provided. This book is suitable for reservoir engineering managers, reservoir engineers, and students of petroleum engineering.

The book is focused primarily on characteristics and determinative methods of reservoir orientation, the concept of vector well pattern and corresponding realistic techniques of well pattern deployment, well pattern control principles, Optimum design of well pattern based on the reservoir direction characteristics, and the schemes of well spacing density regulation at different stages of development. The procedures for improving water flooding efficiency have been provided. This book is suitable for reservoir engineering managers, reservoir engineers, and students of petroleum engineering.

Geological foundation of well network optimization.- Reservoir direction characteristics and permeability distribution law.- Theory of Injection and production well network optimization control.- Principles and methods of vector well network.- Well network pattern on different reservoir characteristics.- Analysis of the application of vector well network.- Complex well network optimal design.- Determination of reasonable well network density.

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