Soils of Volcanic Regions in Europe
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Soils of Volcanic Regions in Europe

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Ólafur Arnalds
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Soils of volcanic areas often exhibit unique properties differentiating them from other soils on Earth. This publication compiles information gained by an EU research network over six years of research on European volcanic soils. The book gives comprehensive coverage of soils in volcanic regions within Europe, dealing with most aspects of modern day soil science. New methodology is introduced and the synthesis of the research casts a new light on soils with andic soil properties. It covers a range of issues such as mineralogy, chemistry, physics, biology, soil genesis, classification, land use and pollution.

Soils of volcanic areas often exhibit unique properties differentiating them from other soils on Earth. This publication compiles information gained by an EU research network over six years of research on European volcanic soils. The book gives comprehensive coverage of soils in volcanic regions within Europe, dealing with most aspects of modern day soil science. New methodology is introduced and the synthesis of the research casts a new light on soils with andic soil properties. It covers a range of issues such as mineralogy, chemistry, physics, biology, soil genesis, classification, land use and pollution.

European Volcanic Soil Resources.- to Section I. European Volcanic Soil Resources.- Volcanic Soil Resources in France.- Soils of volcanic regions of Germany.- Volcanic soil resources of Greece.- Hungary and the Carpathian Basin.- Icelandic volcanic soil resources.- Italian volcanic soils.- Soils of volcanic systems in Portugal.- Soil of volcanic regions in Slovakia.- Soils of volcanic systems in Spain.- Reference Pedons: morphology, mineralogy and classification.- Intergration and overview.- A classification of tephra in volcanic soils. A tool for soil scientists.- Soil descriptions.- Micromorphology.- Mineralogy of the sand fraction — results and problems.- Extractability and FTIR-characteristics of poorly-ordered minerals in a collection of volcanic ash soils.- Crystalline clay constituents of soils from European volcanic systems.- Characteristics and genesis of volcanic soils from South Central Italy: Mt. Gauro (Phlegraean Fields, Campania) and Vico lake (Latium).- Classification of the Reference Pedons: World Reference Base for Soil Resources and Soil Taxonomy.- Classification of the soils according to ‘Horizon Identification — the Reference Point System’.- Reference Pedons: chemical and biological characteristics.- Introduction: Chemistry of European volcanic soils.- The physico-chemical data base.- Elemental composition of Reference European Volcanic Soils.- Chemical weathering of Reference European Volcanic Soils.- Aluminium and iron fractionation of European volcanic soils by selective dissolution techniques.- Phosphate sorption of European volcanic soils.- Exchange complex properties of soils from a range of European volcanic areas.- Multivariate statistical analysis of chemical properties of European volcanic soils.- NaOH and Na-Na4P2O7-extractableorganic matter in two allophanic volcanic ash soils of the Azores Islands — quantified pyrolysis-GC/MS data and factor analysis.- Thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation of organic matter in two allophanic volcanic ash soils from the Azores Islands.- Heavy metal sorption by andic and non-andic horizons from volcanic parent materials.- Reference Pedons: physical characteristics.- Application of Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) to study European Volcanic Soils: a preliminary examination.- Laser-diffraction grain-size analyses of reference profiles.- Organo-mineral clay and physical properties in COST 622 European volcanic soils.- A comparative analysis of the pore system in volcanic soils by means of water-retention measurements and image analysis.- Physical properties in European volcanic soils: a synthesis and recent developments.- Volcanic Soils and Land Use.- to Section V. European Volcanic Soils and Land Use.- Landslide processes and Andosols: the case study of the Campania region, Italy.- Effects of land use on soil degradation and restoration in the Canary Islands.- Trace elements in polluted Italian volcanic soils.- Pesticide sorption of European volcanic soils.- Eutrophication in the Azores Islands.- Soils and Land Use of Santorini, Greece.- Environmental features and land use of Etna (Sicily — Italy).

Soils of volcanic areas often exhibit unique properties differentiating them from other soils on Earth. This publication compiles information gained by an EU research network over six years of research on European volcanic soils. The book gives comprehensive coverage of soils in volcanic regions within Europe, dealing with most aspects of modern day soil science. New methodology is introduced and the synthesis of the research casts a new light on soils with andic soil properties. It covers a range of issues such as mineralogy, chemistry, physics, biology, soil genesis, classification, land use and pollution.

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