Information Systems Outsourcing
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Information Systems Outsourcing

Enduring Themes, New Perspectives and Global Challenges
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Rudy Hirschheim
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Four years have been passed away since the first edition of this book has been published. While certain key issues on IS sourcing like determinants and application service provision have become more mature from an academic and industry perspective, additional topics have arisen on the horizon. In particular, offshoring and business process outsourcing have led to numerous insightful publications which offer a valuable and indispensable holistic sourcing persp- tive. Thus, the second edition of our outsourcing book deals with enduring themes, new perspectives, and global challenges. In addition to classical themes like Sourcing Determinants (Part I), Relationship Aspects (Part II), and Experiences (Part III), we felt it worthwhile to add three new parts. They cover information systems outsourcing from a Vendor and Individual Perspective (Part IV), Application Service Providing (Part V) as well as Offshoring and Global Outsoucing (Part VI). Again we have thoughtfully tried to arrange a compilation of contemporary outsourcing research as a primer and a platform for scientific discourse. In contrast to the first edition, this book is not the outcome of an International Conference, but rather an update of important and relevant perspectives. Since the Third International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Services will take place 2007 in Heidelberg, Germany, it may be considered as an epilogue for further interactions and discussions.
Four years have been passed away since the first edition of this book has been published. While certain key issues on IS sourcing like determinants and application service provision have become more mature from an academic and industry perspective, additional topics have arisen on the horizon. In particular, offshoring and business process outsourcing have led to numerous insightful publications which offer a valuable and indispensable holistic sourcing persp- tive. Thus, the second edition of our outsourcing book deals with enduring themes, new perspectives, and global challenges. In addition to classical themes like Sourcing Determinants (Part I), Relationship Aspects (Part II), and Experiences (Part III), we felt it worthwhile to add three new parts. They cover information systems outsourcing from a Vendor and Individual Perspective (Part IV), Application Service Providing (Part V) as well as Offshoring and Global Outsoucing (Part VI). Again we have thoughtfully tried to arrange a compilation of contemporary outsourcing research as a primer and a platform for scientific discourse. In contrast to the first edition, this book is not the outcome of an International Conference, but rather an update of important and relevant perspectives. Since the Third International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Services will take place 2007 in Heidelberg, Germany, it may be considered as an epilogue for further interactions and discussions.
Overview.- Information Technology Outsourcing in the New Economy – An Introduction to the Outsourcing and Offshoring Landscape.- Determinants of the IS Outsourcing Decision.- Costs, Transaction-Specific Investments and Vendor Dominance of the Marketplace: The Economics of IS Outsourcing.- Selective Outsourcing of Information Systems in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.- Antecedents of Information Systems Backsourcing.- IT Sourcing a Dynamic Phenomena: Forming an Institutional Theory Perspective.- Outsourcing Relationship Issues.- Legal and Tax Considerations in Outsourcing.- Measuring and Managing IT Outsourcing Risk: Lessons Learned.- Governance of Remotely Outsourced Software Development: A Comparison of Client and Vendor Perspectives.- Spiraling Effect of IS Outsourcing Contract Interpretations.- Experiences and Outcome of IS Outsourcing.- The Normative Value of Transaction Cost Economics: What Managers Have Learned About TCE Principles in the IT Context.- Success of IS Outsourcing as a Predictor of IS Effectiveness: Does IT Governance Matter?.- Four Stories of Information Systems Insourcing.- Capabilities for Information Systems Outsourcing Success: Insights from the Resource-based View of the Firm.- Vendor View and Individual Level Perspective.- Vendor Strategies in the German Market for Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing.- Work Outcomes and Job Design for Contract Versus Permanent Information Systems Professionals on Software Development Teams.- When Subordinates Become IT Contractors: Persistent Managerial Expectations in IT Outsourcing.- Application Service Providing and Business Process Outsourcing.- Understanding the ‘Service’ Component of Application Service Provision: An Empirical Analysis of Satisfaction with ASP Services.-Developing a Sustainable Value Proposition in Web Services: Lessons from Strategic Management.- Business Process Outsourcing, Knowledge and Innovation – A Study of Enterprise Partnership.- Business Process Outsourcing: The Hysteresis Effect and Other Lessons.- Offshoring and Global Outsourcing.- Business Process Offshoring to India: An verview.- The Maturation of Offshore Sourcing of Information Technology Work.- Managing Cross-Cultural Issues in Global Software Outsourcing.- Knowledge Management in Offshore Software Development.- Offshore Outsourcing: Challenge to the Information Systems Discipline.
Four years have been passed away since the first edition of this book has been published. While certain key issues on IS sourcing like determinants and application service provision have become more mature from an academic and industry perspective, additional topics have arisen on the horizon. In particular, offshoring and business process outsourcing have led to numerous insightful publications which offer a valuable and indispensable holistic sourcing persp- tive. Thus, the second edition of our outsourcing book deals with enduring themes, new perspectives, and global challenges. In addition to classical themes like Sourcing Determinants (Part I), Relationship Aspects (Part II), and Experiences (Part III), we felt it worthwhile to add three new parts. They cover information systems outsourcing from a Vendor and Individual Perspective (Part IV), Application Service Providing (Part V) as well as Offshoring and Global Outsoucing (Part VI). Again we have thoughtfully tried to arrange a compilation of contemporary outsourcing research as a primer and a platform for scientific discourse. In contrast to the first edition, this book is not the outcome of an International Conference, but rather an update of important and relevant perspectives. Since the Third International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Services will take place 2007 in Heidelberg, Germany, it may be considered as an epilogue for further interactions and discussions.

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