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Basic Concepts of X-Ray Diffraction

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Emil Zolotoyabko
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Authored by a university professor deeply involved in X-ray diffraction-related research, this textbook is based on his lectures given to graduate students for more than 20 years. It adopts a well-balanced approach, describing basic concepts and experimental techniques, which make X-ray diffraction an unsurpassed method for studying the structure of materials. Both dynamical and kinematic X-ray diffraction is considered from a unified viewpoint, in which the dynamical diffraction in single-scattering approximation serves as a bridge between these two parts. The text emphasizes the fundamental laws that govern the interaction of X-rays with matter, but also covers in detail classical and modern applications, e.g., line broadening, texture and strain/stress analyses, X-ray mapping in reciprocal space, high-resolution X-ray diffraction in the spatial and wave vector domains, X-ray focusing, inelastic and time-resolved X-ray scattering. This unique scope, in combination with otherwise hard-to-find information on analytic expressions for simulating X-ray diffraction profiles in thin-film heterostructures, X-ray interaction with phonons, coherent scattering of Mossbauer radiation, and energy-variable X-ray diffraction, makes the book indispensable for any serious user of X-ray diffraction techniques. Compact and self-contained, this textbook is suitable for students taking X-ray diffraction courses towards specialization in materials science, physics, chemistry, or biology. Numerous clear-cut illustrations, an easy-to-read style of writing, as well as rather short, easily digestible chapters all facilitate comprehension.
Dieses Lehrbuch eines erfahrenen Universitätsdozenten gibt Antworten auf die Fragen, die Studierende wirklich stellen. Klare Illustrationen, eine klare Sprache und klar gegliederte, kurze Kapitel lassen keine Verständnisprobleme aufkommen.
PrefaceIntroductionDIFFRACTION PHENOMENA IN OPTICSWAVE PROPAGATION IN PERIODIC MEDIADYNAMICAL DIFFRACTION OF PARTICLES AND FIELDS: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONSThe Two-Beam ApproximationDiffraction Profile: The Laue Scattering GeometryDiffraction Profile: The Bragg Scattering GeometryDYNAMICAL X-RAY DIFFRACTION: THE EWALD-LAUE APPROACHDynamical X-Ray Diffraction: Two-Beam ApproximationDYNAMICAL DIFFRACTION: THE DARWIN APPROACHScattering by a Single ElectronAtomic Scattering FactorStructure FactorScattering Amplitude from an Individual Atomic PlaneDiffraction Intensity inthe Bragg Scattering GeometryDYNAMICAL DIFFRACTION IN NONHOMOGENEOUS MEDIA. THE TAKAGI-TAUPIN APPROACHTakagi EquationsTaupin EquationX-RAY ABSORPTIONDYNAMICAL DIFFRACTION IN SINGLE-SCATTERING APPROXIMATION: SIMULATION OF HIGH-RESOLUTION X-RAY DIFFRACTION IN HETEROSTRUCTURES AND MULTILAYERSDirect Wave Summation MethodRECIPROCAL SPACE MAPPING AND STRAIN MEASUREMENTS IN HETEROSTRUCTURESX-RAY DIFFRACTION IN KINEMATIC APPROXIMATIONX-Ray Polarization FactorDebye-Waller FactorX-RAY DIFFRACTION FROM POLYCRYSTALLINE MATERIALSIdeal Mosaic CrystalPowder DiffractionAPPLICATIONS TO MATERIALS SCIENCE: STRUCTURE ANALYSISAPPLICATIONS TO MATERIALS SCIENCE: PHASE ANALYSISInternal Standard MethodRietveld RefinementAPPLICATIONS TO MATERIALS SCIENCE: PREFERRED ORIENTATION (TEXTURE) ANALYSISThe March-Dollase ApproachAPPLICATIONS TO MATERIALS SCIENCE: LINE BROADENING ANALYSISLine Broadening due to Finite Crystallite SizeLine Broadening due to Microstrain FluctuationsWilliamson-Hall MethodThe Convolution ApproachInstrumental BroadeningRelation between Grain Size-Induced and Microstrain-Induced Broadenings of X-Ray Diffraction ProfilesAPPLICATIONS TO MATERIALS SCIENCE: RESIDUAL STRAIN/STRESS MEASUREMENTSStrain Measurements in Single-Crystalline SystemsResidual Stress Measurements in Polycrystalline MaterialsIMPACT OF LATTICE DEFECTS ON X-RAY DIFFRACTIONX-RAY DIFFRACTION MEASUREMENTS IN POLYCRYSTALS WITH HIGH SPATIAL RESOLUTIONThe Theory of Energy-Variable Diffraction (EVD)INELASTIC SCATTERINGInelastic Neutron ScatteringInelastic X-Ray ScatteringINTERACTION OF X-RAYS WITH ACOUSTIC WAVESThermal Diffuse ScatteringCoherent Scattering by Externally Excited PhononsTIME-RESOLVED X-RAY DIFFRACTIONX-RAY SOURCESSynchrotron RadiationX-RAY FOCUSING OPTICSX-Ray Focusing: Geometrical Optics ApproachX-Ray Focusing: Diffraction Optics ApproachX-RAY DIFFRACTOMETERSHigh-Resolution DiffractometersPowder DiffractometersIndex

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