Using R for Digital Soil Mapping

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480 g
235x155x15 mm

Describes in detail, with ample exercises, how digital soil mapping is doneThis work includes a number of work-flows that direct users how to create digital soil maps for their own projectsThis work includes tutorials for users to learn the fundamentals of R, but with a focus on how to use it for digital soil mapping
Digital soil mapping.- R literacy for digital soil mapping.- Getting spatial in R-. Preparatory and exploratory data analysis for digital soil mapping.- Continuous soil attribute modeling and mapping.- Categorical soil attribute modeling and mapping.- Some methods for the quantification of prediction uncertainties for digital soil mapping.- Using digital soil mapping to update, harmonize and disaggregate legacy soil maps.- Combining continuous and categorical modeling: Digital soil mapping of soil horizons and their depths.- Digital soil assessment: A simple enterprise suitability example.
This book describes and provides many detailed examples of implementing Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) using R. The work adheres to Digital Soil Mapping theory, and presents a strong focus on how to apply it. DSM exercises are also included and cover procedures for handling and manipulating soil and spatial data in R. The book also introduces the basic concepts and practices for building spatial soil prediction functions, and then ultimately producing digital soil maps.

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