Value-Oriented Media Management
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Value-Oriented Media Management

Decision Making Between Profit and Responsibility
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen
Media Business and Innovation
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
Reflowable eBook
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

In the light of a rapidly changing media industry with new technologies, actors and advertising models, and the critical role of media in society, this volume highlights the meaning of different values in media companies and media managers' decisions. It discusses how economic as well as societal values can be equally integrated in media management processes and how such values affect the internal as well as external environment of media companies. The contributions analyze various issues in media management, such as the relationship between quality and audience demand, the role of branding in building values, changes in the value chain, and the impact of deregulation. Further important topics include hypercompetition, mediatization, challenges for media managers and the meaning of corporate social responsibility. 
In the light of a rapidly changing media industry with new technologies, actors and advertising models, and the critical role of media in society, this volume highlights the meaning of different values in media companies and media managers’ decisions. It discusses how economic as well as societal values can be equally integrated in media management processes and how such values affect the internal as well as external environment of media companies. The contributions analyze various issues in media management, such as the relationship between quality and audience demand, the role of branding in building values, changes in the value chain, and the impact of deregulation. Further important topics include hypercompetition, mediatization, challenges for media managers and the meaning of corporate social responsibility. 

Theories, Concepts and Findings in Value-Oriented Media Management.- Cultures and Organizations: Structures, Actions and Values in Media Companies.- Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Management and Leadership for Value Orientation and Implementation.- Trust, Branding, Digitalization: Value Drivers.

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