Industry 4.0
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Industry 4.0

Entrepreneurship and Structural Change in the New Digital Landscape
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Tessaleno Devezas
Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics
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Reflowable eBook
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

This book presents the latest research perspectives on how the Industry 4.0 paradigm is challenging the process of technological and structural change and how the diversification of the economy affects structural transformation. It also explores the impact of fast-growing technologies on the transformation of socioeconomic and environmental systems, and asks whether structural and technological change can generate sustainable economic growth and employment. Further, the book presents the basic innovations (new technologies, materials, energy, etc) and industrial policies that can lead to such a structural change.

This book presents the latest research perspectives on how the Industry 4.0 paradigm is challenging the process of technological and structural change and how the diversification of the economy affects structural transformation. It also explores the impact of fast-growing technologies on the transformation of socioeconomic and environmental systems, and asks whether structural and technological change can generate sustainable economic growth and employment. Further, the book presents the basic innovations (new technologies, materials, energy, etc) and industrial policies that can lead to such a structural change.

Structural Change and Cycles: Economic Potential of Breakthrough Technologies and Its Social Consequences.- Structural and Technological Stalemate in Eurozone: If This Is the Reality, What We Can Expect?,- On the Asymmetry of Economic Cycles.- Modern Trends in Evaluation of Macroeconomic Structural Changes.- Distribution and Clusters of Basic Innovations.- Financial Instability Under Innovation Development: Reasons and Regulation Within the Model of Evolutionary Processes.- Technological Change: The Challenges in the Transition from Fossil Fuel to Renewable Energy.- Racing to a Renewable Transition?.- Metal Matrix/Nanocarbons Composites Based on Copper and Aluminum.- Additive Technologies - The Basis of Digital Custom Manufacturing.- Private Astronautics and Its Role in Space Exploration.- The MANBRIC-technologies in the Forthcoming Technological Revolution.- Global Pattern in Materials Consumption: An Empirical Study.- Entrepreneurship Development: Challenges in Technology Entrepreneurship: Managing Inter-professional Conflicts in Biopharmaceutical Enterprises.- Perception Gaps in International Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Role of Knowledge Transfer's Mechanisms.- Family Business and Entrepreneurship: Competencies and Organizational Behavior.- Metrics for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Networks.- Determinants and Interdependence of Firm Entry, Exit and Mobility.- Coopetition and Co-innovation: Do Manufacturing and Service Providers Behave Differently?

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