Tourist Behaviour and the New Normal, Volume I
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Tourist Behaviour and the New Normal, Volume I

Implications for Tourism Resilience
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Shem Wambugu Maingi
eBook Typ:
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Reflowable eBook
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

This book delves into tourist behavior and sustainable tourism, especially in the post-pandemic era. Amid the pandemic, Ukraine-Russia tensions, social shifts, geopolitical changes, and climate concerns, the tourism industry has witnessed significant shifts in travel patterns. The sector now grapples with newfound complexities driven by emerging tourism experiences, niche markets, and technology-driven services. Interestingly, these complexities have paved the way for more sustainable consumption patterns.Contributors in Volume I explore the tourism industry's enhanced resilience. The book suggests solutions across nine thematic areas aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In summary, it explores the evolving landscape of tourist behavior and its implications for tourism resilience in a rapidly changing world.

This book delves into tourist behavior and sustainable tourism, especially in the post-pandemic era. Amid the pandemic, Ukraine-Russia tensions, social shifts, geopolitical changes, and climate concerns, the tourism industry has witnessed significant shifts in travel patterns. The sector now grapples with newfound complexities driven by emerging tourism experiences, niche markets, and technology-driven services. Interestingly, these complexities have paved the way for more sustainable consumption patterns.

Contributors in Volume I explore the tourism industry's enhanced resilience. The book suggests solutions across nine thematic areas aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In summary, it explores the evolving landscape of tourist behavior and its implications for tourism resilience in a rapidly changing world.

1.     Introduction: The Changing Landscape of Tourist Behaviour: Navigating from the New Normal to the Next Normal.- 

Part A: Visitor Behavior, Tourist Resilience, and the Experience Economy (SDG 12).- 2.     How has travel behavior changed in the new normal.-3.     What made Maldives a preferred tourist destination in Asia amidst COVID-19? Lessons for the Indian Tourism Sector post-COVID-19.-4.     Changes In Travel Behavior Caused By COVID – 19:  The Case Study Of Outbound Chinese Tourists.- 

5.     Transitioning from Anthropocene to Anthropause? A Study of the Consumer Behavioural Shifts in the Hospitality Sector.

6.     The effect of COVID-19 pandemic: How are the young tourists' behavior in the new normal?.- 


7.     COVID-19 and the travel and visitor experience economy: Challenges and opportunities for the post-pandemic world.


Part B: Digital Cultures, Information Resilience, and Visitor Behavior in the new normal (SDG 9 and 11).- 

8.     Digital Marketing role in the tourism sector in post-COVID-19.- 

9.     Cloud Tour Services in Paradise: A Newly Marketing Paradigm in Bali Tourism History.-

10.  An Insight into the Behaviour of Tech-savvy Millennial Travellers: A Global Perspective.-

Part C: Health Measures and Visitor Behavior in the new normal (SDG 3, 6, and 12).-


11.  Sports tourism in the new normal.-

12.  The Role of self-service technologies in the new normal of hospitality services.- 

Part D: Family Life Cycle, Employee Behavior, and Visitor Behavior in the new normal (SDG 3 and 8).-


13.  Mapping the New Normal in Northern California.-


14.  Firm Innovation Capability, Visitors Behaviour and Sustainability of Hospitality Firms in Kenya: A Post Covid-19 Assessment.- 

15.  Conclusion: Tourist Behaviour in the New normal: Emerging frontiers towards Tourism resilience.

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