Global Jihad in Muslim and non-Muslim Contexts
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Global Jihad in Muslim and non-Muslim Contexts

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Jonathan Matusitz
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Reflowable eBook
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

This book examines ten reasons for global jihad today. Specifically, the reasons are (1) radicalization, (2) group dynamics and socialization, (3) social alienation, (4) religious motivations, (5) legal motivations, (6) political motivations, (7) a Clash of Civilizations, (8) economic conditions, (9) transformative learning, and (10) outbidding and internal rifts. To investigate these points, all chapters include the historical background, specific case studies (both past and current), statistics, and theoretical approaches to the subject of global jihad. The main purpose of jihad is to achieve global domination-through any means, including violence-and establish the Caliphate. The Caliphate is a Muslim system of world government that seeks to establish a new world order by overthrowing the current order, effectively creating an all-encompassing Islamic state.

This book examines ten reasons for global jihad today. Specifically, the reasons are (1) radicalization, (2) group dynamics and socialization, (3) social alienation, (4) religious motivations, (5) legal motivations, (6) political motivations, (7) a Clash of Civilizations, (8) economic conditions, (9) transformative learning, and (10) outbidding and internal rifts. To investigate these points, all chapters include the historical background, specific case studies (both past and current), statistics, and theoretical approaches to the subject of global jihad. The main purpose of jihad is to achieve global domination—through any means, including violence—and establish the Caliphate. The Caliphate is a Muslim system of world government that seeks to establish a new world order by overthrowing the current order, effectively creating an all-encompassing Islamic state.

Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Jihad: A Description.- Chapter 3. Radicalization.- Chapter 4. Group Dynamics and Socialization.- Chapter 5. Social Alienation.- Chapter 6. Religious Motivations.- Chapter 7. Legal Motivations.- Chapter 8. Political Motivations.- Chapter 9. A Clash of Civilizations.- Chapter 10.Economic Conditions.- Chapter 11. Transformative Learning.- Chapter 12. Outbidding and Internal Rifts.- Chapter 13. Conclusion.

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