Finding God’s Path in a Dark Season
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Finding God’s Path in a Dark Season

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Ken Davidson
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Whether we are a Christian or not, during some part of our life, a season of darkness will come knocking on our life and will seek to engulf us. It is in such seasons of darkness that we need to know how to find God's path, to guide us out of darkness and into the light.For many individuals, a season of darkness could be when your child has been rushed into hospital and your heart is beating with panic and worry. Or perhaps a medical consultant informs you to go home and let your family know that time is no longer on your side.A season of darkness could be a difficult financial time, a bankruptcy or loss of a job, or it could be a time when your child has wandered from God. So many potentially difficult and challenging situations can create a season of darkness in our lives.For Ken Davidson, his season of darkness was when he was faced with several threats to his life, a season of drugs and alcohol, homelessness, several bereavements in his immediate family and much more.Alison Davidson was raised in a Christian home, yet even with this nurturing environment, she rebelled against her family and God. Later, both Ken and Alison dramatically experienced the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. When Alison was diagnosed with M.E. at an early age, the debilitating illness came back with a vengeance when Alison and Ken got married, a time when their marriage was already under severe stress and they found themselves and their relationship coming asunder. But God had another plan as He has a plan for you!You will find yourself spiritually enabled against your own seasons of darkness as you read, Finding God's Path in a Dark Season.

Whether we are a Christian or not, during some part of our life, a season of darkness will come knocking on our life and will seek to engulf us. It is in such seasons of darkness that we need to know how to find God’s path, to guide us out of darkness and into the light.

For many individuals, a season of darkness could be when your child has been rushed into hospital and your heart is beating with panic and worry. Or perhaps a medical consultant informs you to go home and let your family know that time is no longer on your side.

A season of darkness could be a difficult financial time, a bankruptcy or loss of a job, or it could be a time when your child has wandered from God. So many potentially difficult and challenging situations can create a season of darkness in our lives.

For Ken Davidson, his season of darkness was when he was faced with several threats to his life, a season of drugs and alcohol, homelessness, several bereavements in his immediate family and much more.

Alison Davidson was raised in a Christian home, yet even with this nurturing environment, she rebelled against her family and God. Later, both Ken and Alison dramatically experienced the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. When Alison was diagnosed with M.E. at an early age, the debilitating illness came back with a vengeance when Alison and Ken got married, a time when their marriage was already under severe stress and they found themselves and their relationship coming asunder. But God had another plan as He has a plan for you!

You will find yourself spiritually enabled against your own seasons of darkness as you read, Finding God’s Path in a Dark Season.


DEDICATION             11

SECTION 1 - The Paths of God’s Direction  

Keeping on the straight and narrow   19

Getting caught                                    39

The trouble begins                              43

It’s a knockout!                                    49

SECTION 2 When all Hope is Gone

Time to jump            63

Meeting the Lord      67


SECTION 3 Understanding the Seasons of Life

A season of loss      79


SECTION 4 When two become one

Meeting Alison      89

Dating       97

SECTION 5 Hard times can be God’s tool to refine us

Jekyll and Hyde?      109

Ministry-focused or God-focused?   117


A calling to the mission field    125

SECTION 7 Obedience; “Yes Lord, send me!”  

Getting filled with the Holy Spirit    133

Dire conditions      143

A house divided      149

Entering Beulah Land     155

Dublin       163

SECTION 8 When the path gets steep – keep going!

Developing a Godly Christian relationship  175

Mountain-top experience in Carnmoney   185

A Season of Death      195

Grieving       201

A journey we did not expect    207

SECTION 9 - Following a new path

Christ Encounters      215

A Glossary of Bible Verses for every Season  219

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