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Grandpa’s Collection

Poems, Encouragement and Photographs
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

The cover summarizes life in many ways. It was not intentional but obvious when I looked at it later. The tree represents the many things that can interfere with a productive and rewarding life. This tree was once healthy and beautiful but now is in a state of dying. The limbs that once provided strong support are weak and failing. The eagle on a mission displays the majesty of God’s creation. The white surrounding the text of the title represents the protection that surrounds us daily—God, the creator; Jesus Christ, the savior; the Holy Spirit; a loving family; and a few loving friends.We are responsible for surrounding ourselves with these layers of protection by maintaining effective relationships with these great resources. As you go through this book, you will see a couple of points that are emphasized by bold and/or large font. This may be a revelation to some, a reminder to others, or for some, it will be very familiar and be a part of their daily life. One of my most impressive bosses referred to points like these as gold nuggets. That term has stuck with me for over thirty-five years.

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