The Vanishing Acts 1:8
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The Vanishing Acts 1:8

Where Has It Gone
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Tim Tolliver
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

We may not all be in agreement about many things. If we choose to be honest, change in worship and commitment to God has definitely changed. Why did Jesus choose the story of Noah and the flood as a comparison to the end time ? Was it the eating and drinking? Marrying and giving in Marriage? The world has always been the world and sin has always been the dominate nature of the world. Jesus chose this particular story because it contained the Dove, which all through scripture represents the Spirit of God. While most look at the condition of the world to try and determine Jesus coming, maybe we should be looking at the condition of the church. Being infiltrated with the world the church has been on a steady decline. The Dove is circling, looking for a place to land. Is your heart clear of all debris? Will he have to abort landing because the world is dominate in your life?
We may not all be in agreement about many things. If we choose to be honest, change in worship and commitment to God has definitely changed. Why did Jesus choose the story of Noah and the flood as a comparison to the end time ? Was it the eating and drinking? Marrying and giving in Marriage? The world has always been the world and sin has always been the dominate nature of the world. Jesus chose this particular story because it contained the Dove, which all through scripture represents the Spirit of God. While most look at the condition of the world to try and determine Jesus coming, maybe we should be looking at the condition of the church. Being infiltrated with the world the church has been on a steady decline. The Dove is circling, looking for a place to land. Is your heart clear of all debris? Will he have to abort landing because the world is dominate in your life?

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