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Author Julia Peper is the author of A Century of Wandering, a historical fiction book whose setting is the beautiful mountains of West Virginia. She has been an educator for 24 years and has always enjoyed encouraging young writers to use their imaginations in their stories. Ms. Peper spends as much time as she can outdoors where she finds inspiration for her stories in the mountains and the landscapes of the states that she travels to in her adventures.
Ms. Peper lives with her husband of 36 years in a small town in Central Indiana, where she grew up and raised her family. She is the mother of two wonderful children who are grown and have started families of their own. She is a grandmother to a beautiful little girl and another grandchild on the way. When she is not teaching, she can typically be found reading, writing, and camping.
June 23, 1923, the headlines read:
Local Couple Disappears Under Suspicious Circumstances.

What had happened to Jillian and her boyfriend, Kevin? After all these years, the mystery was still unsolved...until.

When Mary and her husband, Rick, move into a one-hundred-year-old home in West Virginia, she had no idea that she would meet Jillian's ghost and be instrumental in helping her solve the mystery of how she and Kevin disappeared without a trace.

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