The Language of Birds: Some Notes on Chance and Divination

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160 g
176x130x12 mm

Dale Pendell (1947-2018) was a poet, author and artist from Northern California. He is best known for his acclaimed trilogy of works Pharmako/Poeia (1995), Pharmako/Dynamis (2002), and Pharmako/Gnosis (2006), an in-depth study of the shamanic and pharmacological dimensions of psychoactive plants. His poetry is widely anthologized, most recently in 'The Wisdom Book of American Buddhist Poetry'. Most recently Dale's work has appeared in CLAVIS: OCCULT ARTS, LETTERS AND EXPERIENCE VOL. 4, and INVERNESS ALMANAC 4.
A poetic exploration of the nature of Chance and Divination from multiple viewpoints, including the mythological, scientific, poetic, mathematical, religious, and magical.

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