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Stories of Hardware, Software, Wetware, Evolution, and Revolution
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Cyberpunk has brought us films like
Blade Runner,
Tron, and
The Matrix, and it has brought us now-classic novels like
Snow Crash and
Neuromancer. It continues to be a powerful theme in contemporary literature as writers imagine a gritty, dark, wild, and wicked future where body modification, seedy elements, omniscient corporations, and a few down-luck anti-heroes are always having it out. Inside the covers of this book, readers find stories by the best and the finest cyberpunk writers — from foundational authors like Bruce Sterling and William Gibson to new voices like Cory Doctorow — all of whom write with the fire and zeal that powers the best cyberpunk writing. Here are stories about society gone wrong and society saved, about soulless humans and soulful machines, about futures worth fighting for and futures that do nothing but kill. Welcome to your cyberpunk world.

Welcome to your cyberpunk world.

Cyberpunk has brought us films like
Blade Runner,
Tron, and
The Matrix, and it has brought us now-classic novels like
Snow Crash and
Neuromancer. It continues to be a powerful theme in contemporary literature as writers imagine a gritty, dark, wild, and wicked future where body modification, seedy elements, omniscient corporations, and a few down-luck anti-heroes are always having it out. Inside the covers of this book, readers find stories by the best and the finest cyberpunk writers — from foundational authors like Bruce Sterling and William Gibson to new voices like Cory Doctorow — all of whom write with the fire and zeal that powers the best cyberpunk writing. Here are stories about society gone wrong and society saved, about soulless humans and soulful machines, about futures worth fighting for and futures that do nothing but kill. Welcome to your cyberpunk world.

Welcome to your cyberpunk world.

William Gibson

Cory Doctorow

Jonathan Lethem

Bruce Sterling

Kim Stanley Robinson

Daniel H. Wilson

John Shirley

Paul Di Filippo

Greg Bear

Pat Cadigan

Gwyneth Jones

James Patrick Kelly

David Marusek

Ben Parzybok

Cat Rambo

Lewis Shiner

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