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Socrates & the fox

A strategic dialogue
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Take the analytical method of the father of Western philosophy (Socrates) and the wily habits of nature's cleverest animal (the fox). Add a hint of Eastern mysticism from one of the finest minds ever to grace the field of scenario thinking (Pierre Wack). Blend all three of these elements - with a sprinkling of riginality and plenty of experimentation - into a strategic conversation model and what have you got? Socrates & the Fox.Chantell Ilbury and Clem Sunter have constructed an agenda of ten questions which, if answered fearlessly and honestly by the management of any organization, will provide them with a clear idea of their future in the 'game'. Numerous examples from the sessions that the authors have facilitated around the world are given by way of illustration.
Take the analytical method of the father of Western philosophy (Socrates) and the wily habits of nature's cleverest animal (the fox). Add a hint of Eastern mysticism from one of the finest minds ever to grace the field of scenario thinking (Pierre Wack). Blend all three of these elements - with a sprinkling of riginality and plenty of experimentation - into a strategic conversation model and what have you got? Socrates & the Fox.Chantell Ilbury and Clem Sunter have constructed an agenda of ten questions which, if answered fearlessly and honestly by the management of any organization, will provide them with a clear idea of their future in the 'game'. Numerous examples from the sessions that the authors have facilitated around the world are given by way of illustration.

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