Promises to Keep
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Promises to Keep

A British Vet in Africa
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Hugh Cran
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Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

Vet Hugh Cran’s daily life is non-stop as he copes with rabied dogs, entire herds of sick cattle, a surgery fire, near-death on a fishing trip and he even finds time to fall in love and start a family. Hugh’s witty observations and professional approach makes this a lively and engaging read about what it is to be a vet at the sharp end in Kenya.

Working at the sharp end, Scottish vet Hugh Cran describes his daily and nightly challenges working in Kenya as he encounters rabid dogs, a horse pageant that goes horribly wrong, missing tortoises, entire herds of sick cattle and corrupt policemen: he even witnesses how a witchdoctor successfully identifies a thief.Busy from early morning to midnight, Hugh never turns down a call to help an animal in distress, even if this means driving across floods or deserts, surviving vehicle break-downs or insanitary operating conditions on arrival.In this book, Hugh falls in love, marries and starts a family, climbs Kenyan mountains, survives a life-threatening health crisis, a surgery fire and a serious legal accusation.Throughout it all, he remains a dedicated and hardworking local vet, serving his African community, no matter what.He has promises to keep...

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