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Craymore Affair

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Kevin Ireland
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Witty, wonderful and wicked, this is a truly entertaining novel.Boris T. Craymore, minimalist poet, enthusiastic drinker and reluctant academic, wakes up in London in the house of a woman who looks strangely familiar. Craymore can't recall how he crossed the world to get there, until his memory returns in a series of bizarre flashbacks that flicker from Sydney and across the Blue Mountains to key scenes from his London past. Craymore jokes and bumbles in his attempts to piece together his life and create an improved version of himself. Back in Auckland, his ambitious colleague Danielle Thornsides insists that the police investigate his disappearance and discover why his nephew and his nephew's weird girlfriend have moved into Craymore's house. Meanwhile, underworld characters from Sydney and Auckland begin to take an interest.
Witty, wonderful and wicked, this is a truly entertaining novel.Boris T. Craymore, minimalist poet, enthusiastic drinker and reluctant academic, wakes up in London in the house of a woman who looks strangely familiar. Craymore can't recall how he crossed the world to get there, until his memory returns in a series of bizarre flashbacks that flicker from Sydney and across the Blue Mountains to key scenes from his London past. Craymore jokes and bumbles in his attempts to piece together his life and create an improved version of himself. Back in Auckland, his ambitious colleague Danielle Thornsides insists that the police investigate his disappearance and discover why his nephew and his nephew's weird girlfriend have moved into Craymore's house. Meanwhile, underworld characters from Sydney and Auckland begin to take an interest.

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