Take Me To Truth: Undoing The Ego
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Take Me To Truth: Undoing The Ego

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Nouk Sanchez
eBook Typ:
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Take Me To Truth is the first book to present a practical guide to the six stages involved in shedding our distorted ego perception. It explains why our search for real happiness has eluded us and how to perceive the Love for which we all yearn so deeply. As Gary Renard says in the Foreword... despite the thousands of things we may appear to have to choose from in this world, there are really only two things, and only one of them is real. The ego is not. Take me to Truth heralds the next crucial step in the pursuit of evolutionary consciousness.
Take Me To Truth is the first book to present a practical guide to the six stages involved in shedding our distorted ego perception. It explains why our search for real happiness has eluded us and how to perceive the Love for which we all yearn so deeply. As Gary Renard says in the Foreword… despite the thousands of things we may appear to have to choose from in this world, there are really only two things, and only one of them is real. The ego is not. Take me to Truth heralds the next crucial step in the pursuit of evolutionary consciousness.

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