Matching the Hatch

Stillwater, River and Stream
Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I
287 g
185x116x15 mm

Over the past forty years, angling and wildlife author and broadcaster Pat O'Reilly, a professional flyfishing instructor, has provided tuition for more than 8000 people; he has fished for wild trout in more than a dozen countries. An active conservationist and advisor to the UK and Welsh Governments on environmental issues, in 2003 Pat was awarded an MBE for services to conservation and fisheries.
Matching the hatch by using an artificial fly sufficiently similar to the creatures on which the trout are feeding can greatly increase your chances of success. This completely revised and updated pocket edition with enlarged photographs will help one choose suitable flies and suggest how one can fish them in a way that will catch fish - to rely less on luck and more on judgment.

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