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Journey to the Sacred Mountains

Awakening Soul in Nature
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This book explores in depth the wisdom and fierce beauty of an ancient Sioux story, which teaches the value of setting out on a quest in the natural world in order to discover who and what one truly is. What unfolds, in a dramatic and inspiring way, is a vision of the elements intrinsic to the pathless path toward freeing oneself from constraining beliefs and conditioning in order to awaken to the wonder and mystery of pure presence before the soul of the world. The book is a weaving together of three wisdom traditions - Native American spirituality, Depth Psychology and Buddhism - into a profound understanding of the human soul's journey toward an ecstatic awakening in the heart of nature. The book is different from other books in the same category in that it intentionally draws upon a virtually untapped stream of indigenous voices and their insights into the ways in which western civilisation has fallen out of balance and ways to bring it back into balance.
This book explores in depth the wisdom and fierce beauty of an ancient Sioux story, which teaches the value of setting out on a quest in the natural world in order to discover who and what one truly is. What unfolds, in a dramatic and inspiring way, is a vision of the elements intrinsic to the pathless path toward freeing oneself from constraining beliefs and conditioning in order to awaken to the wonder and mystery of pure presence before the soul of the world. The book is a weaving together of three wisdom traditions - Native American spirituality, Depth Psychology and Buddhism - into a profound understanding of the human soul's journey toward an ecstatic awakening in the heart of nature. The book is different from other books in the same category in that it intentionally draws upon a virtually untapped stream of indigenous voices and their insights into the ways in which western civilisation has fallen out of balance and ways to bring it back into balance.

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