The Ethics of Personal Data Collection in International Relations
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The Ethics of Personal Data Collection in International Relations

Inclusionism in the Time of COVID-19
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I


Colette Mazzucelli
Anthem Ethics of Personal Data Collection
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This volume attests to the fact that pressing global public health concerns are ever present as subjects of societal discourse and debate in developed and developing states. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic makes the omission of the ethics of personal data collection analysis in the international relations literature even more salient given the rise of contact tracing and increased uses of mobile phone Apps to track citizens by states and firms across the globe, as this volume’s chapters analyzing the responses to COVID-19 in Iran and Taiwan explain. 

This volume’s relevance may be explained, first and foremost, during a time of unprecedented loss of life around the world each day. The data, which is oftentimes incomplete and misleading, nonetheless reveals the state as deficient as well as negligent in its response to social healthcare needs. This volume attests to the fact that pressing global public health concerns are ever present as subjects of societal discourse and debate in developed and developing states. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic makes the omission of the ethics of personal data collection analysis in the international relations literature even more salient given the rise of contact tracing and increased uses of mobile phone Apps to track citizens by states and firms across the globe, as this volume’s chapters analyzing the responses to COVID-19 in Iran and Taiwan explain. 

Acknowledgments; Foreword by Prof. Dr. Azza Karam — Secretary-General, Religions for Peace; Word Clouds by Leslie Elizabeth Prosy, New York University; Introduction: Non-Western versus Western Reflections on the Ethics of Personal Data Collection in a Variegated “Chessboard- Web” Ecosystem, Colette Mazzucelli, James Felton Keith, and Andrea Adams; Part I; Chapter 1. Information Technology: National Security Savior or Civil Rights Disaster, Celeste Brevard; Chapter 2. Is This Chapter “Fake News”?: Exploring the Possibilities of Regulating Online Disinformation while Preserving the Right to Freedom of Expression in Europe, Sophia Ehmke; Chapter 3. Geopolitics, Personal Data Collection, and Globalization: Iran’s Response to COVID-19, Megan Cameron; Part II; Chapter 4. Taiwan’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Social Constructivist Analysis of Identity Differentiation with the People’s Republic of China, Jasmine C. Lee; Chapter 5. Reeducation Camps in Xinjiang, China: An Intersectional Constructivist Approach, Mary Davis; Part III; Chapter 6. Smartphones and Data Privacy Ethics: International Regulations in a “Chessboard-Web” Environment, Andrea Adams; Chapter 7. Ethical Considerations around Crowdsourcing Stories of Sexual Abuse and Harassment in Public Spaces: The Safecity India Story, Suzanne Goodney Lea and Elsa Marie D’Silva; Chapter 8. Protecting Privacy in a Sexual Assault Prevention Program, Lynne Chandler-Garcia and John C. Riley; Conclusion, Colette Mazzucelli, James Felton Keith, and Andrea Adams; Afterword by Dean Joshua Cooper; List of Contributors; Index.

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