Paul Ricoeur and the Lived Body
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Paul Ricoeur and the Lived Body

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Roger W. H. Savage
Studies in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur
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Paul Ricoeur and the Lived Body’s explorations into the ethical, social, cultural, and affective dimensions of our corporeal existence draw on Paul Ricoeur’s reflection on the lived body. Starting with the fact that one’s own body is irreducible to an object, these essays critically contribute to discourses on the body.
Paul Ricoeur and the Lived Body extends the scope of Paul Ricoeur’s reflections and analyses of the body as one’s own through explorations into the ethical, cultural, and affective dimensions of our corporeal existence. Starting with the fact that each of us has a place in the world by reason of our mode of incarnation as flesh, the contributors to this volume address a range of diverse themes in which the lived body figures. Edited by Roger W. H. Savage, this book investigates the construction of narrative identities and the social assignment of gender and race, the passions and an ethics of respect, affect theory, feeling, the carnal imagination, and the cultural and social milieu that comprises the conditions of our embodiment as subjects who have deeply held convictions and beliefs. By acknowledging that the lived body is irreducible to an object in the world, the essays in this volume have a common point: our assurance in acting and suffering is rooted in the mode of our incarnate existence as fragile yet capable human beings.


Forward. “The Swing Door of the Flesh.”

Richard Kearney

Introduction. “Paul Ricoeur, the Lived Body, and an Ontology of the Flesh.”

Roger W. H. Savage

Chapter 1. “Transcending the Duality of Body and Language: Ricoeur’s Notion of the Self.”

Annemie Halsema

Chapter 2. “Passions, Imagination, and the Ethical Consideration of the Other.”

Gaëlle Fiasse

Chapter 3. “Paul Ricoeur’s Critical Reading of the Phenomenologies of the Body.”

Anne Gléonec

Chapter 4. “Theorizing the Exchange between the Self and the World: Paul Ricoeur, Affect Theory, and the Body.”

Stephanie Arel

Chapter 5. “Feeling, Interiority, and the Musical Body.”

Roger W. H. Savage

Chapter 6. “From the Carnal Imagination to a Carnal Theory of Symbols.”

Scott Davidson

Chapter 7. “Culture as the Necessary Extension of Bodily Being.”

Timo Helenius

Chapter 8. “Paul Ricoeur’s Phenomenological Diagnostic of the Lived Body and Being Corporeally Situated in the Socio-Historical World.”

Maria Cristina Clorinda Vendra

Chapter 9. “Ideology Critique on the Ground: Ricoeur on Embodiment and Ideology Critique.”

Dan R. Stiver

About the Contributors

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