The Soul-Soaring Virtues of Separation

111 Learnings to Heal Your Heart and Help You Fly
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359 g
198x130x27 mm

Amy Ransom is a writer, blogger and author of several books, including The New Mum's Notebook. In 2016, she separated from her husband after nine years of marriage and three small children. She maintains separation has been her most positive experience yet and now works with other women to fulfil their true potential after separation. Amy appears regularly on UK radio and TV, including Steve Wright on Radio 2, Radio 4's Woman's Hour, This Morning, BBC News, Sky news and Channel 5.
The end of a relationship doesn't have to mean despair. Whether you're on the brink of separation, you've just separated or you're divorced and are struggling to move forward, this book will help you to embrace independence, positivity, authenticity and new beginnings.
The end of a relationship doesn't have to mean despair. Discover how to move past separation and embrace independence, positivity, authenticity and new beginnings.This book is for you whether you're in limbo on the brink of separation, you've just separated, or you're divorced and struggling to move forwards. Split into 111 uplifting learnings, The Soul-Soaring Virtues of Separation draws on Amy's own experience and combines self-help with the Law of Attraction - the idea that we can attract positivity into our lives - to help you create a present and future you're excited to live.Discover how separation can be one of the most positive experiences in life and the gateway to fulfilling your true potential. Begin to put yourself first. Be nice to you. Choose to be joyful today.

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