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Elvis Archives

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An exclusive account of the extraordinary life of Elvis Aaron Presley. This details the undisputed facts of Elvis' life and career and is illustrated with over 100 rare and exclusive photographs. Elvis was often thought to be a recluse, but these photographic records shows Elvis meeting and mixing with some of the most famous and influential people of our time. Pop stars, politicians and presidents all wanted to meet The King and this picture portfolio details many of those exciting moments.
An exclusive account of the extraordinary life of Elvis Aaron Presley. This details the undisputed facts of Elvis' life and career and is illustrated with over 100 rare and exclusive photographs. Elvis was often thought to be a recluse, but these photographic records shows Elvis meeting and mixing with some of the most famous and influential people of our time. Pop stars, politicians and presidents all wanted to meet The King and this picture portfolio details many of those exciting moments.

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