
The Secret History of Computers and Spies
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Gordon Corera is a journalist and writer on intelligence and security issues. Since 2004 he has been a Security Correspondent for BBC News where he covers terrorism, cyber security, the work of intelligence agencies and other national security issues for BBC TV, Radio and Online. He has reported from across the United States, Asia, Africa and the Middle East and presented a number of programmes focusing on intelligence agencies including MI6, MI5, GCHQ, the CIA, NSA and Mossad. He is the author of SECRET PIGEON SERVICE, INTERCEPT, THE ART OF BETRAYAL (entitled MI6 in paperback), and SHOPPING FOR BOMBS.
From Bletchley Park to cyber-attacks in the twenty-first century, this is the untold story of computers and spies: past, present and future

The computer was born to spy, and now computers are transforming espionage. But who are the spies and who is being spied on in today's interconnected world?

This is the exhilarating secret history of the melding of technology and espionage. Gordon Corera's compelling narrative, rich with historical details and characters, takes us from the Second World War to the internet age, revealing the astonishing extent of cyberespionage carried out today. Drawing on unique access to intelligence agencies, heads of state, hackers and spies of all stripes, INTERCEPT is a ground-breaking exploration of the new space in which the worlds of espionage, geopolitics, diplomacy, international business, science and technology collide. Together, computers and spies are shaping the future. What was once the preserve of a few intelligence agencies now matters for us all.

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