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Going to the Chapel

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Joshlyn Racherbaumer
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Family is forever. Joy, Jenna, Sofie and Kassie the Schurman Survivors have spent countless summers under the stars. They ache at the memories of sticky cherry popsicles, heartfelt entries in their treasured journal and their beloved Papa at the center of it all. As they map out their path through seemingly impossible adult lives, they find the distance between them has created a void unable to be filled by anything else. When the ultimate tragedy occurs, weeks before Joy's wedding of a lifetime, their frayed ends must figure out a way to intertwine once more. Kassie having drifted to the mountains, Sofie roaming through Italy and Jenna overcoming a painful divorce, Joy will do her best to bring the little pieces of her soul back to her. With Papa's wisdom tucked in their pocket, they struggle to make their way back home and into the lives they were always destined to live.
Family is forever. Joy, Jenna, Sofie and Kassie the Schurman Survivors have spent countless summers under the stars. They ache at the memories of sticky cherry popsicles, heartfelt entries in their treasured journal and their beloved Papa at the center of it all. As they map out their path through seemingly impossible adult lives, they find the distance between them has created a void unable to be filled by anything else. When the ultimate tragedy occurs, weeks before Joy's wedding of a lifetime, their frayed ends must figure out a way to intertwine once more. Kassie having drifted to the mountains, Sofie roaming through Italy and Jenna overcoming a painful divorce, Joy will do her best to bring the little pieces of her soul back to her. With Papa's wisdom tucked in their pocket, they struggle to make their way back home and into the lives they were always destined to live.

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