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Come See My Africa

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Enjoy a tour of southern Africa led by your guide, Tau, a young student who lives near beautiful Victoria Falls.  Not every child or adult can actually travel in person to Africa, but Tau will take you on a journey of his world through words and pictures.  Africa will come alive as a  world that is now at every student and reader's doorstep through pictures and words showing you the beauty and diversity of  the scenery and culture from this part of the globe.

This particular story is a fun filled adventure for anyone ages 8-13 and beyond.  The author has selected special places for Tau to show off the uniqueness that is Africa.  You will see beautiful sights, learn about many of the animals of Africa, and have a brief look at the daily lives of its people.

As an  ardent lifelong fan of travel books and videos, the author hopes this book will instill the desire to travel in every reader of any age.

"Superb photography and storytelling take me back to an unforgettable year riding my bicycle through the heart of Africa. Ken's book should be shared among children and their parents, because reading, learning, and hopefully someday visiting other cultures helps us to better appreciate our own."

- Ted Kunz, philosopher, adventurer, and author of "The Two-Wheeled Wanderer: An Obscure Man in Obscure Places."

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