Kant in Brazil

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Frederick Rauscher
530 g
225x150x24 mm

Frederick Rauscher, Daniel Omar Perez
AcknowledgmentsNote on Sources and AbbreviationsIntroduction - Frederick Rauscher1. Two Centuries of Kantian Studies in Brazil - Daniel Omar Perez and Juan Adolfo Bonaccini2. Self-Consciousness and Objective Knowledge in the Transcendental Deduction of the Critique of Pure Reason - Guido Antonio de Almeida3. Intuitive Knowledge and De Re Thought - Joao Carlos Brum Torres4. Predicative Judgments and Existential Judgments: Apropos Kant's Critique of the Cartesian Ontological Argument - Raul Landim5. An Experiment with Practical Reason - Valerio Rohden6. On the Faktum of Reason - Darlei Dall'Agnol7. Critique, Deduction, and the Fact of Reason - Guido Antonio de Almeida8. The Noncircular Deduction of the Categorical Imperative in Groundwork III - Julio Esteves9. The Ditinction between Right and Ethics in Kant's Philosophy - Ricardo Ribeiro Terra10. Right and the Duty to Resist, or Progress toward the Better - Jose Nicolau Heck11. The Fundamental Problem of Kant's Juridical Semantics - Zelijko Loparic12. Right, History, and Practical Schematism - Daniel Tourinho Peres13. Cosmopolitanism: Kant and Kantian Themes in International Relations - Soraya Nour14. A Typology of Love in Kant's Philosophy - Maria de Lourdes Borges15. The Meaning of the Term Gemut in Kant - Valerio Rohden16. Between Prescriptive Poetics and Philosophical Aesthetics - Ricardo Ribeiro Terra17. The Puposiveness of Taste: An Essay on the Role of Zweckmassigkei in Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgment - Pedro Costa Rego18. Freedom in Appearance: Notes on Schiller and His Development of Kant's Aesthetics - Christian Hamm19. Reading the Appendix to Kant's Critique of the Teleological Power of Judgment - Pedro Pimenta20. Symbolization in Kant's Critical Philosophy - Joaosinho BeckenkampBibliography of Works in German and EnglishList of ContributorsIndex
A selection of the best papers written by Brazilian Kant scholars.

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