Making Preparations for Your Prison Journey (What Your Attorney Can’T Tell You)
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Making Preparations for Your Prison Journey (What Your Attorney Can’T Tell You)

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Sheryl A. Loftis
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This book is written for all of the women and men that are already incarcerated and for those who are getting ready to take a journey to prison. So many times we wonder how could I have gotten myself into this mess or why me? My answer to you is why not you? A person sentenced to a term in prison, can either do their time or let their time do them. Although, you feel whats the use, I have no control over anything that happens. I disagree; your control lies in the Masters Hands. Its not so much your going to prison, but it is what you do while you are in prison. Women and men alike go to prison with the mentality Im bad or I can make it through this, but not so. Im sure you have heard the saying, make the money, dont let the money make you, well the same it is with prison. Do your time, dont let the time do you, because whether you believe it or not, time can and will do you. How do I know? I am glad you asked. Anyone that goes to prison whether guilty or innocence, once they are released and return back to prison or if they are bitter and not better; guess what, they did not do the time the time did them.
This book is written for all of the women and men that are already incarcerated and for those who are getting ready to take a journey to prison.So many times we wonder how could I have gotten myself into this mess or why me? My answer to you is why not you? A person sentenced to a term in prison, can either do their time or let their time do them. Although, you feel whats the use, I have no control over anything that happens. I disagree; your control lies in the Masters Hands. Its not so much your going to prison, but it is what you do while you are in prison. Women and men alike go to prison with the mentality Im bad or I can make it through this, but not so. Im sure you have heard the saying, make the money, dont let the money make you, well the same it is with prison. Do your time, dont let the time do you, because whether you believe it or not, time can and will do you. How do I know? I am glad you asked. Anyone that goes to prison whether guilty or innocence, once they are released and return back to prison or if they are bitter and not better; guess what, they did not do the time the time did them.

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