Sixteenth-Century French Poetry
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Sixteenth-Century French Poetry

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Victor E Graham
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In this anthology an effort has been made to include representative selections from the most significant sixteenth-century French poets. With the exception if a few longer works (mainly those of Ronsard, Du Bartas, and D'Aubigne), poems are given complete. In addition, the original spelling and punctuation have been retained as far as possible, except for the usual editorial modifications (differentiation of u and v, i and j, the addition of accents a, ou, replacement of & by et, and so on). The sixteenth century is a period of tremendous poetic activity. It is a period closer in spirit to us in many ways than the intervening centuries, particularly the seventeenth and the eighteenth. Its poetry is still being rediscovered and re-assessed in a way that is just as exciting as the period of foment during which it was written.
In this anthology an effort has been made to include representative selections from the most significant sixteenth-century French poets. With the exception if a few longer works (mainly those of Ronsard, Du Bartas, and D'Aubigne), poems are given complete. In addition, the original spelling and punctuation have been retained as far as possible, except for the usual editorial modifications (differentiation of u and v, i and j, the addition of accents a, ou, replacement of & by et, and so on). The sixteenth century is a period of tremendous poetic activity. It is a period closer in spirit to us in many ways than the intervening centuries, particularly the seventeenth and the eighteenth. Its poetry is still being rediscovered and re-assessed in a way that is just as exciting as the period of foment during which it was written.

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