Fundamentals of Machine Elements

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joined the staff of Ohio State University as a professor of mechanical engineering in 1985 and is now professor emeritus. Before joining Ohio State University he spent 18 years as a research consultant in the Tribology Branch of the NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. He received his Ph.D. and doctor of engineering degrees from the University of Leeds, England. His research has resulted in a book, three separate chapters for handbooks, and over 150 archival publications. He has received several awards including the 2000 Mayo D. Hersey Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Part I - Fundamentals. Introduction. Load, Stress, and Strain. Introduction to Materials and Manufacturing. Stresses and Strains. Deformation. Failure Prediction for Static Loading. Fatigue and Impact. Lubrication, Friction, andWear. Part II - Machine Elements. Columns. Stresses and Deformations in Cylinders. Shafting and Associated Parts. Hydrodynamic and Hydrostatic Bearings. Rolling-Element Bearings. General Gear Theory; Spur Gears. Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears. Fasteners, Connections, and Power Screws. Springs. Brakes and Clutches. Flexible Machine Elements. Appendices. Index.
Suitable for third-year students, this revised textbook uses an advanced pedagogy and a proven combination of quantitative and qualitative information. This combination makes it student-friendly and up-to-date. The coverage of machine elements is more complete than other books in this area and goes beyond analysis to develop a deeper understanding in students of the design process. It includes a solutions manual (print and electronic), full PowerPoint/Keynote slides, pdf-based presentations for students, work sheets (detailed examples to distribute to students), and video examples.

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