The Really Practical Guide to Starting up Your Own Business
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The Really Practical Guide to Starting up Your Own Business

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Kim Hills Spedding
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This book really does what it says on the cover and guides the reader in an easy-to-read, practical way on every aspect of the know-how needed to plan and start up their own business. From advice on putting together a business plan to useful tips on how to avoid the many pitfalls likely to be encountered, this is a compendium of how to do it and what problems to look out for. It will be invaluable both when setting up and running your own business. In over 25 years as a business adviser and trainer, Kim Hills Spedding has helped more than 5000 people set up businesses in the U.K. and understands that it is very often the very practical matters that are the most difficult hurdles for anyone setting out alone in business.
This book really does what it says on the cover and guides the reader in an easy-to-read, practical way on every aspect of the know-how needed to plan and start up their own business. From advice on putting together a business plan to useful tips on how to avoid the many pitfalls likely to be encountered, this is a compendium of how to do it and what problems to look out for. It will be invaluable both when setting up and running your own business.In over 25 years as a business adviser and trainer, Kim Hills Spedding has helped more than 5000 people set up businesses in the U.K. and understands that it is very often the very practical matters that are the most difficult hurdles for anyone setting out alone in business.

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