The CTR Anthology
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The CTR Anthology

Fifteen Plays from Canadian Theatre Review
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Alan Filewod
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Since its inception in 1974, Canadian Theatre Review has been one of the most important publishers of new Canadian plays. With a script in each issue, CTR has introduced new writers and advocated new approaches to Canadian drama.

This volume brings together fifteen of the most significant plays published in CTR between 1974 and 1991. Most have been out of print since their appearance in the journal. They include recognized classics that have transformed Canadian theatre, such as "Ten Lost Years" and "This is for You, Anna," and lesser-known plays by such major writers as Robert Lepage and George F. Walker.

Taken together these plays not only expand the boundaries of Canadian drama; they also document an important and exciting period in Canadian theatre. They are vivid testaments to the diversity of contemporary theatrical practice in Canada.

Since its inception in 1974, Canadian Theatre Review has been one of the most important publishers of new Canadian plays. With a script in each issue, CTR has introduced new writers and advocated new approaches to Canadian drama.

This volume brings together fifteen of the most significant plays published in CTR between 1974 and 1991. Most have been out of print since their appearance in the journal. They include recognized classics that have transformed Canadian theatre, such as "Ten Lost Years" and "This is for You, Anna," and lesser-known plays by such major writers as Robert Lepage and George F. Walker.

Taken together these plays not only expand the boundaries of Canadian drama; they also document an important and exciting period in Canadian theatre. They are vivid testaments to the diversity of contemporary theatrical practice in Canada.

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