Broadcasting Policy in Canada, Second Edition
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Broadcasting Policy in Canada, Second Edition

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Robert Armstrong
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Where do Canadian content requirements come from? What is the difference between an over-the-top (OTP) service provider and a broadcast distribution undertaking (BDU)? How is broadcast regulation changing in response to the rise of new media? The second edition of Broadcasting Policy in Canada answers these questions by tracing the development of Canada’s broadcasting legislation and analysing the roles and responsibilities of the key players in the broadcasting system, particularly those of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).Revised and updated to reflect the impact of digital media on the broadcasting industry and subsequent developments in the regulatory framework, the second edition of Broadcasting Policy in Canada offers a comprehensive overview of the policies that provide the foundation for the Canadian broadcasting system, including discussion of topics such as Canadian content, media regulation, and program financing. The book continues to provide a valuable resource for students, policymakers, and broadcasting industry members who are affected by the CRTC’s policies and decisions.
Where do Canadian content requirements come from? What is the difference between an over-the-top (OTP) service provider and a broadcast distribution undertaking (BDU)? How is broadcast regulation changing in response to the rise of new media? The second edition of Broadcasting Policy in Canada answers these questions by tracing the development of Canada’s broadcasting legislation and analysing the roles and responsibilities of the key players in the broadcasting system, particularly those of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).Revised and updated to reflect the impact of digital media on the broadcasting industry and subsequent developments in the regulatory framework, the second edition of Broadcasting Policy in Canada offers a comprehensive overview of the policies that provide the foundation for the Canadian broadcasting system, including discussion of topics such as Canadian content, media regulation, and program financing. The book continues to provide a valuable resource for students, policymakers, and broadcasting industry members who are affected by the CRTC’s policies and decisions.

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