Little Prince
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Little Prince

The Story of a Shetland Pony
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Annie Wedekind
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

If Dauphin, a pampered Shetland pony, seems to lead the perfect life in the penthouse suite of the city's posh riding stables, it's because he does. And if he seems a bit too self-satisfied-after all, he's won several trophies for his young owner, Isabella, and is widely acknowledged to be the prettiest pony in the city-it's because he is.Dauphin leads a rich, comfortable life. But all that changes when his relationship with his owner takes a decided turn for the worse. He's suddenly sent away to a farm in the middle of nowhere, which is filled with the most unusual animals. And where, against all odds, he discovers the true meaning of home and family.
If Dauphin, a pampered Shetland pony, seems to lead the perfect life in the penthouse suite of the city's posh riding stables, it's because he does. And if he seems a bit too self-satisfied-after all, he's won several trophies for his young owner, Isabella, and is widely acknowledged to be the prettiest pony in the city-it's because he is.Dauphin leads a rich, comfortable life. But all that changes when his relationship with his owner takes a decided turn for the worse. He's suddenly sent away to a farm in the middle of nowhere, which is filled with the most unusual animals. And where, against all odds, he discovers the true meaning of home and family.

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