School Leadership in the 21st Century
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School Leadership in the 21st Century

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Christopher (University of Hull Bowring-Carr
School Leadership
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Education reform continues to be a dominating feature of education in the UK and many other countries throughout the world. As a result of this, it is now more important than ever that headteachers and school managers develop the skills which enable them to manage their new responsibilities effectively.

In School Leadership in the 21st Century all the major aspects of school leadership are discussed, including:

  • the strategic and ethical dimensions of leadership
  • leading and managing change
  • leading and managing staff in high performance schools
  • information for student learning and organisational learning
  • transformation of schools in the tewnty-first century.

The authors of this completely updated and revised edition have addressed the new standards and competency frameworks, making this an essential read for all headteachers and aspiring headteachers on NPQH or LPSH courses and anyone else with an interest in school leadership.

Education reform continues to be a dominating feature of education in the UK and many other countries throughout the world. As a result of this, it is now more important than ever that headteachers and school managers develop the skills which enable them to manage their new responsibilities effectively.

In School Leadership in the 21st Century all the major aspects of school leadership are discussed, including:

  • the strategic and ethical dimensions of leadership
  • leading and managing change
  • leading and managing staff in high performance schools
  • information for student learning and organisational learning
  • transformation of schools in the tewnty-first century.

The authors of this completely updated and revised edition have addressed the new standards and competency frameworks, making this an essential read for all headteachers and aspiring headteachers on NPQH or LPSH courses and anyone else with an interest in school leadership.

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