Life and Times of Cornelius Corpuscle
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Life and Times of Cornelius Corpuscle

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Anthony Addison
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

The Life and Times of Cornelius Corpuscle takes you on a journey through the bustling arteries of the human body, home to a staggering 20 to 30 trillion red blood cells. Among these crimson travellers, diligently delivering life-sustaining oxygen, is our microscopic hero, Cornelius. Unexpectedly, Cornelius finds himself at the epicentre of an existential battle to preserve the very life of the host body he faithfully serves. Sinister forces, unseen yet potent, lurk within the body's circulation, poised to strike at a moment's notice. Plans are concocted to combat these malignant elements, yet they carry devastating implications. Cornelius grapples with the timeless dilemma: Can the ends truly justify the means? Embark on a thrilling journey through this dynamic, cellular landscape as Cornelius navigates the twists and turns of survival.
The Life and Times of Cornelius Corpuscle takes you on a journey through the bustling arteries of the human body, home to a staggering 20 to 30 trillion red blood cells. Among these crimson travellers, diligently delivering life-sustaining oxygen, is our microscopic hero, Cornelius. Unexpectedly, Cornelius finds himself at the epicentre of an existential battle to preserve the very life of the host body he faithfully serves. Sinister forces, unseen yet potent, lurk within the body's circulation, poised to strike at a moment's notice. Plans are concocted to combat these malignant elements, yet they carry devastating implications. Cornelius grapples with the timeless dilemma: Can the ends truly justify the means? Embark on a thrilling journey through this dynamic, cellular landscape as Cornelius navigates the twists and turns of survival.

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