The Busy Woman’s Guide to Inner Health and Outer Beauty
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The Busy Woman’s Guide to Inner Health and Outer Beauty

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Meredith Yardley
eBook Typ:
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

The quality of your skin - and how old you look - is determined more by what goes on inside your body more than what you do on the outside. However busy you are, you can start taking care of your skin at any age.  It needn't take a lot of time, and if you do it properly, not only will you put off 'looking old', you can nourish yourself at the same time. The nutrition you consume, the skin products you use, your sleep, your state of mind, the habits you practice - all of these affect how old you look. Dip into this book to learn what you can do to care for and love the skin you're in. And even more, to love and care for yourself. Enrich your energy

FOREWORD by Michelle DuffieldINTRODUCTIONCHAPTER 1 Is your gut making you ugly?CHAPTER 2 Why do we wrinkle as we age? CHAPTER 3 Why wearing makeup to bed can make you look oldCHAPTER 4 Food and nutrition for beautiful skinCHAPTER 5 Loving yourselfCHAPTER 6 How do you make these changes stick?CHAPTER 7 This all sounds great, but where do you find the time?CHAPTER 8 Your skin - it's a wrap!RESOURCESQuality Nutritional Supplements ChecklistSkin Care Product ChecklistQuestions for you to think about when choosing personal care productsREFERENCES

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