Mid-Life Crisis MANagement: A Quiet Word
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Mid-Life Crisis MANagement: A Quiet Word

The Bloke's Guide to Surviving Middle Age and Male Menopause
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Henri ’RENOIR’ Rennie
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Why do some men struggle with life when they hit their 40's?  Depression.  Stress.  Poor decisions.  Suicide. Menopause in men IS real, and not the same as women get. This book explores what it is, what other factors affect men as they age, and a range of treatment and prevention options both 'conventional' and 'alternative'. And it does so in simple terms, demystifying some of the confusing or intimidating jargon some health practitioners use.

Blokes often don't talk about their health problems.  And if they do, many of them don't like to admit it when they don't quite understand what they've been told.  Renoir isn't a medical professional, but he's spoken to plenty of people who are, and distilled what they've told him into terms a regular bloke can understand.

This is a book to be dipped into quietly by men concerned about their health, whatever their age, to find some help and some encouragement.

1 TELL ME ABOUT THIS "CHANGE" THING1.1 It's not a quick change1.2 It's never too early, or too late2 WHAT EXACTLY IS IT?2.1 Defining 'male menopause'2.2 Defining 'mid-life crisis'2.3 It's not the same as women get3 HOW IT MIGHT AFFECT YOUR BODY3.1 The heat is on3.2 Skin - it's a wrap3.3 The hard stuff - bone, muscle & fat3.4 Blood lines - take heart3.5 Sex - the nuts and bolts3.6 "I'm sick of feeling sick!"3.7 Your brain: the odd one out4 HOW IT MIGHT AFFECT YOUR HEAD4.1 The roads not taken4.2 Staring in the rear view mirror4.3 Depression - the black dog that follows you around4.4 Stress responses - the five F options4.5 Sleep - who needs it?4.6 Sex - mind over matter5 GETTING IN EARLY - LIVE BETTER FOR LONGER5.1 You are what you eat: Food5.2 You are what you eat: Supplements5.3 Drugs and alcohol - the poisons we love5.4 Exercise. Don't just sit there - move something5.5 Armour up!5.6 The air that we breathe5.7 Surviving stress5.8 Body brain building6 WHAT CAN A BLOKE DO?6.1 Conventional "Western" medicine6.1b Sex and the surgery6.2 Improving and supplementing your diet6.3 Change your lifestyle - change your life6.4 Look to the East6.5 Getting to the point - acupuncture, acupressure & 'bodywork'6.6 Homeopathy - using a little to tackle a lot6.7 Massage - there's the rub!6.8 Medical meditation - thinking yourself healthier6.9 Yoga - mind bending as well as body bending6.10 Martial arts - fighting fit6.11 Articles of faith6.12 Giving up has consequences too6.13 Measuring success - honestly7 NOW DO SOMETHING!

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