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Medicine Feather

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Will DuRey
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Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

Successful prospectors in the hills north of Council Bluffs are being ambushed and killed by a gang determined to snatch every ounce of gold that is dug from the ground or panned from the streams. But when one such indiscriminate attack earns the robbers nothing but a pack of pelts, it sets in motion a chain of events leading to a bloody conclusion. Their victim is a man unwilling to relinquish his possessions without seeking revenge. To the settlers along the Missouri he is known as Weston Gray, but to those further west he is Medicine Feather, brother of the Arapaho and friend of the Sioux.
Successful prospectors in the hills north of Council Bluffs are being ambushed and killed by a gang determined to snatch every ounce of gold that is dug from the ground or panned from the streams. But when one such indiscriminate attack earns the robbers nothing but a pack of pelts, it sets in motion a chain of events leading to a bloody conclusion. Their victim is a man unwilling to relinquish his possessions without seeking revenge. To the settlers along the Missouri he is known as Weston Gray, but to those further west he is Medicine Feather, brother of the Arapaho and friend of the Sioux.

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