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Gambler and the Law

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Will Durey
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Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

Blamed for the murder of a prominent politician, gambler Dan Freemont is forced to flee Nebraska. Pursued by the real killer's henchmen he arrives at the small Wyoming town of Beecher Gulch where he hopes a planned rendezvous with a US Marshal will prove his innocence. But settlers are being attracted to the area and a conflict is developing between the newcomers and Carl Benton the cattle king of the territory. Mistaken for a town-taming lawman brought in to oppose the cattlemen, Dan is soon involved in the dispute and becomes a target for Benton's gunmen. As the fight builds to a climax, Dan's Nebraskan pursuers begin to close in on Beecher Gulch.
Blamed for the murder of a prominent politician, gambler Dan Freemont is forced to flee Nebraska. Pursued by the real killer's henchmen he arrives at the small Wyoming town of Beecher Gulch where he hopes a planned rendezvous with a US Marshal will prove his innocence. But settlers are being attracted to the area and a conflict is developing between the newcomers and Carl Benton the cattle king of the territory. Mistaken for a town-taming lawman brought in to oppose the cattlemen, Dan is soon involved in the dispute and becomes a target for Benton's gunmen. As the fight builds to a climax, Dan's Nebraskan pursuers begin to close in on Beecher Gulch.

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