If You See a Lion
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If You See a Lion

 Epub, Fixed
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Epub, Fixed
Karl Newson
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
Fixed format Epub, Fixed
Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

A devious and poorly disguised Lion tells the reader about a story that used to be in this book until a lion ate it all. While monologuing, a brave rabbit tries to confront him. Can one brave little rabbit save all the storybook characters? 
Once upon a time, there was a story in this book. But a lion ate it all.

Narrated by a tall, handsome and ever-so-dashing lion, dressed head to toe in fancy dress, this is a hilarious story of how a greedy lion ate all the picture book characters and then lies about it. The problem is, he just can't resist boasting about it!

​Dressed in his not-so-convincing disguise, Lion beckons the reader closer to find the culprit, while a plucky little rabbit hides in the pages, shouting out warnings until he bravely confronts our narrator about his crime. Will Lion ever learn his lesson? 

A hilarious story with plenty of opportunities for group participation, and an overarching theme of kindness, empathy and forgiveness. Includes a mysterious bite-mark out of the front cover... now who could have done that?

 “There has to be a lion hiding somewhere in this book.
Dreamy, clever, awesome, strong.
Come in closer for a look…”

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